
There’s a shit-ton of photos on this page, around 200, with more to come, so apologies if it slows your waiting time for the page to load. If you’re reading this, congratulations, you made it!

Vogelsang was the only Soviet military camp that they built themselves in Germany. They usually took over others left by the defeated Germans like happy hermit crabs taking over new shells. But the Soviets didn’t want anyone to know about this place.

AB’s first dalliance with this place was in May 2011. It was to be the first trip of many. What a place!

I* had to go back, I couldn’t wait. I was back the following month for more…

*usual disclaimers apply.

Soviet mural on a wall in a former school.
Photographed June 2011. Demolished by the authorities some time after.

Wading in putrid water above knee-height, you never what you may find in old Soviet cellars…

Vogelsang, Oct. 29, 2014

The last batch of photos below were taken in 2020. Some of the material shown must have been used for a reunion or exhibition of some sort.

Authorities are doing their best to destroy Vogelsang – they want to return it to the forest and bury the past.
So go, go and see what’s left before that’s gone too.




La Pyramide