
Wünsdorf is immense – there’s no other way to describe it. It was once called “Little Moscow,” when it was headquarters for Soviet military forces in Germany. Before that, it was the Nazis’ underground bunker headquarters for the German Wehrmacht and Army’s High Command during World War II. But it’s military history goes back to the Imperial German Army and Prussian Army before that.

If you want to catch up on the history, you’ll find the whole sorry lot by clicking the big button below.

Photos are from down through the years, starting with a visit in 2012.

Photos above are from 2012. I* only made a dent and had to go back again the next year to get more.

*(usual disclaimers apply. I is not me and may not exist at all. Maybe nobody exists. Maybe you’re a figment of your imagination in which case why am I even writing this? Not that I refers to anyone in particular. As somebody said, I is not me.)

‘Die verbotene stadt’

Staring into the abyss

Staring into the abyss

Another Soviet soldier, Dec. 19, 2016

ABandoned berlin on CBS

We met years before when we poked around dusty basements in Beelitz, but I* met with Brooks Silva-Braga again in July 2023 for a special about Abandoned Berlin for American network CBS.

”I like that guy.”

Watch it here.

Photos below from AB’s seventh and eighth visits in March and July 2023, respectively. There will be more visits for sure.


Kraftwerk Vogelsang


Flugplatz Schönwalde